ep2 Library for Java

The Quick Start Platform for ep2 Solutions

The Ergonomics ep2 Library for Java provides numerous components for the integration of software solutions into the ep2 world. The ep2 Library for Java can be used for new implementations or to extend existing solutions.

ep2 is the Swiss standard for processing of EMV payment transactions, originating at the point-of-sales.

The ep2 Library for Java is based on an modular component architecture, as shown below.

The central elements are responsible for the complete session handling of an ep2 server or client and provide a wide range of options for an easy access to the message data or to design own message structures.

Since the ep2 Library for Java is based on a DOM framework, non-ep2 data can be processed as well.

The features of the components and their interactions, as well as the ep2 specific characteristics are easily configurable in configuration files. The ep2 Library for Java provides a standard implementation of the cryptographic functions and the management of the RSA keys, based on the standard Java security providers from Oracle. A High Security Module (HSM) can also be easily integrated.

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Call us!

Martin Weiss
Tel +41 58 311 1000